IRCS is excited to offer outdoor day trips program to children and their families in the fall!
Please email Aleksey to sign up for the trips at:

We will be going to various locations in the White Mountains, NH and New England climbing at some areas well known to our children and also visiting some new and quality climbing areas. Our prime climbing location will be at Rumney, NH. Rumney Rocks is a world famous climbing area which provides us with endless amount of the best quality routes of all levels from 5.0 to 5.15. We also visit some other great climbing area of NE especially when the weather at Rumney is not good.
During many years of coaching our students climbing real rocks we’ve developed a friendly, supportive and challenging atmosphere in the group. People off any climbing level are welcome to join in and learn new skills with the rest of the participants. We pay special attention to the new students with minimum or no experience and carefully guide them to become sufficient climbers.
The group size is limited to 6 people.
Pick up (7am) and drop off (5pm) location is at Park and Ride exit 38 of route I- 93 (Dascomb RD.)
What to bring:
- A backpack
- Hand sanitizer and a mask
- Food and drinks for the day (a thermos with hot drinks is very helpful)
- Winter quality clothes: Warm jacket and layers, warm pants with long underwear, a hat, gloves
- Hiking boots
- Rain gear (poncho or rain jacket and rain pants)
- Climbing gear(harness, climbing shoes, chalk bag)

Health Check
We will verbally screen children and parents asking the following questions. If any of the below are yes, the child will not be allowed to go on the trip:
Today or in the past 24 hours, have you or any household members had any of the following symptoms?
- Fever (temperature of 100.0°F or above), felt feverish, or had chills?
- Cough?
- Sore throat?
- Difficulty breathing?
- Gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting)?
- Fatigue? (Fatigue alone should not exclude a child from participation.)
- Headache?
- New loss of smell/taste?
- New muscle aches?
- Any other signs of illness?